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Deng Nan-Guang's 135 Film

Deng Nan-Guang's 135 Film

Physical education for girls in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period was western style. In order to improve the circumstances in Taiwan, the colonial government had to terminate the loathsome custom of foot-binding first, before introducing fitness, gymnastics and games to students. Following it was the so-called “national defense physical education.” In addition to the very limited class hours, all kinds of training and athletic races were organized to further strengthen or reshape young women’s bodies. Training in the classes and outside of classes also changed women’s ideas about sports, as well as their roles or statuses in the society. The new concepts and the attitude toward the bodies of female students were recognized and supported by Taiwanese intellectuals as well.


Reference: Yu Chien-Ming. “The Development of Female Physical Education in Taiwan During the Japanese Colonial Period.” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History. Academia Sinica, No.33. Taipei, June 2000.

Collection of the National Center of Photography and Images




Deng Nan-Guang