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December 30

The former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch is identified by the 54th Session of the Taipei City Cultural Heritage Review Committee as a monument of cultural value. A public hearing is to be subsequently held according to Article 3 of the Policy on Monument Designation and Revocation Assessment.
April 7

The 56th Session of the Taipei City Cultural Heritage Review Committee designates the former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch as a monument.
May 26

Taipei City Department of Cultural issued Order No. Wen-Zi- 10330395500 designates the former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch as a monument, with the first to third floors and the basement level to be preserved.
July 10

Then-Minister of Culture, Ying-Tai LUNG, is accompanied by experts and scholars to inspect the former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch building, and to discuss the site earmarked for Center of Photography and Images.
July 16

The Ministry of Transportation and Communication Directorate General of Highways, MOTC agrees to transfer the Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch Municipal Monument to the Ministry of Culture (MOC).
October 23

Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC, commissions Hsu-Yu Chien Architecture Firm to manage the “Restoration and Reuse Project of the Municipal Monument of Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.,) Taipei Branch and the Planning and Designing Project of National Center of Photography and Images.”
January 26

The “A plan of Rescuing National Photographic Assets and Establishing a Center of Photography and Images ” proposed by MOC is passed by NDC on the 11th committee. The main focus of this public construction project includes: the rescue, restoration, and preservation of photography assets; establishing a database of photography assets; copyright authorization for photography assets and digital value-add; establishing a center for photography culture; cultivating photographic conservation and research talent; and the study and promotion of photographic art, etc.
The National Taiwan Museum serves as the main executive body during the early project planning stage, assisted by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts with its expertise in the arts; while responsibility for the hard asset restoration is undertaken by Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC with its professional expertise on monument restoration.
August 12 to 13

The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts organizes the “Workshop on Color Photography Image Preservation.” The ubiquitous traditional color photo in Taiwan serves as the theme for this workshop with discussions on understanding and collection management of the composite material of this artform.
August 31

The Ministry of Culture and the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC complete the official transfer of the Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch building.
October 15

Based on decisions made by the 73rd Session of the Taipei City Cultural Heritage Review Committee, guidelines for the Restoration and Reuse of the Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch Building will be “restoration to its appearance in 1937, with preservation plans based on the original scope (three storeyss) of the monument.”
May 4 to September 8

Jointly organized by the National Taiwan Museum and the Society of Photographic Museum and Culture of Taiwan, The View of Formosa’s Landscape from Photographers II is exhibited at the National Taiwan Museum.
May 27

The “Seminar on Cultivating Talent in Image Restoration at the National Center of Photography and Image” is held at the National Taiwan Museum. Graduate students in relevant disciplines are invited to better understand the needs for training and nurturing talent.
July 2 to November 13

The Silver Halide Era - Aura of Times Vintage Photography Prints by Taiwanese Photographers 1890s to 2015, curated by Yun-Ping CHIEN, is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
July 18

Ministry of Culture convenes “the First Consultative Council on the Rescue of Photography Assets 2016.”
September 5

The “National Forum on Digital Image Preservation” is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, opening with a session on the topic of “Categories and Development of Digital Image Works.”
October 6 to 8

The “Digital Photography Image Preservation Lectures and Workshops” is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, with lectures by Chun-Te HSIEH, Ryan Boatright, Norihide TAKAHASHI, and others.
October 17

The “National Discussion Forum on Digital Image Preservation” is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, with the second session on the topic of “Collection Specifications of Digital Image Works.”
November 1

The book, Restoration and Reuse Project of the Municipal Monument of Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch, is published by the National Taiwan Museum.
January 17

Construction begins on the Restoration and Reuse Project of the Municipal Monument of Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch as the National Center of Photography and Images.
April 22 to November 20

Curated by Hsin-Yi CHAO of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMOFA), Taiwan’s first educational exhibition on the theme of photographic art --Time Machine: “Moment•Light•Camera” – From Classical to Contemporary Photography Educational Exhibition, is held at the NTMOFA. Numerous ethnic diverse educational promotion activities are held during the exhibition to implement equal access to education in photography art.
July 21 to 24

The Special Exhibition on Historical Images of Taiwanese Culinary Culture curated by the National Taiwan Museum takes place as a part of the 2017 Taiwan Culinary Exhibition in Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, sponsored by the Taiwan Visitors Association under the guidance of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. The exhibition showcases images of culinary life from the past and promotes photographic culture through an educational “Mobile Phone Photography” activity.
August 24 to 26

“Resuscitation: Emergency Salvage of Photography Materials Lecture and Workshops” is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
September 11 to November 17

Jointly organized by the National Taiwan Museum and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan The View of Formosa’s Landscape from Photographers II touring exhibition is held in Minato City, Tokyo, Japan.
December 13

The first set of books from the Photographers of Taiwan series on photographers Hsiang-Lin LO, Si-chi KO, Chuan-Tsu LIN, Shin-Chuan CHOU, Chun-te HSIEH, and Pai-Chi HWANG, is launched at a press conference held at the little White house of the National Taiwan Museum at Nanmen Park.
December 16 to 17

“The Production and Preservation of Archival Quality Photographic Works” lectures and workshops are held at the National Taiwan Museum.
March 31 to May 27

Looking Back: Taiwanese Photographers’ Island Gazes 1970s-1990s, curated by Chao-Tang CHANG and Chao-Liang SHEN, is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
June 19 to September 30

The Mirror of Time: Dry Plate Photography Exhibition, curated by Tsang-sung CHANG, is held at the National Taiwan Museum.
July 7 to December 2

Looking Back: Taiwanese Photographers’ Island Gazes 1970s-1990s goes on tour to the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Japan.
November 21

The second set from the Photographers of Taiwan book series featuring photographers Ru-ji YU, Jin-miao WU, Huo-zeng LI, Yuan-fu HSU, Jui-lin PENG, and Shang-hsi CHENG, is launched at a press conference held at the little White house the National Taiwan Museum at Nanmen Park.
December 7

The “Preservation and Repair Practices of Museum Photography Works” lecture is held at the National Taiwan Museum.
December 25 to June 24, 2019

The Taiwan through the Photographer’s Lens exhibition organized by the Society of Photographic Museum and Culture is held in the First Floor Gallery of Ministry of Culture. The “Photographic Material Preservation Manual” is published in conjunction with the exhibition.
January 7

A resolution by then-Minister of Culture Li-Chiun CHENG at the “Ministry of Culture First Quarterly Business Communication Report,” stipulated that in consideration of overall consolidation and promotion, responsibilities originally executed by the National Taiwan Museum shall be gradually transferred to the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in the 2019 fiscal year; and moving forward, the NTMOFA shall establish the National Museum of Photography Preparatory Group.
January 8 to 10, January 14 to 15

“Professional Training Workshops in the Repair and Maintenance of Photographic Works” are held in Taipei and Tainan with lectures by Professor Jiuan-Jiuan CHEN from the State University of New York College at Buffalo on issues regarding the appraisal and preservation of photographic works.
April 12 to June 28

The Mirror of Time: Dry Plate Photography Exhibition goes on tour to the Taiwan Cultural Center of the Taipei Representative Office in Japan.
July 8 to 9 and July 11 to 13

The third and fourth sessions of the “Professional Training Workshops in the Repair and Maintenance of Photographic Works” is held, featuring lecturer Matia Fernanda Valverde, Conservator of Photographs from the Amon Carter Museum of American Art, on the core subjects of adjusting negatives and mildew cleaning. Theoretical and practical sessions are held in Taipei and Tainan. Course content includes a retrospection on the history of negatives, identification of materials and production processes, and discussions of the state of deterioration, etc.
July 20 to September 22

Curated by Shuping HUANG and Jay Chun-Chieh LAI of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the Anxiety of Images exhibition, featuring Taiwanese and international artists including Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, is held at the NTMOFA.
August 19

Restoration construction on the Monument of the Former Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch (currently the National Center of Photography and Images building) is completed and passes inspection.
September 18 to November 18

The opening reception for Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity is held at the Museum Center Krasnoyarsk in Russia. Jointly curated by Andrey Martynov, Yunnia YANG, and Sergey Kovalevsky, the exhibition features 48 sets (95 items) of photographic work by 35 Taiwanese artists from the collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
October 2

A strategy meeting on the opening of the “National Center for Photography” is called by the Ministry of Culture. In a resolution, then-Minister of Culture Li-Chiun CHENG established the official Chinese name of the museum to be “國家攝影文化中心” (with “National Center of Photography and Images” as the official English translation). Preparation and promotion for the former site of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka Mercantile Co., Ltd.) Taipei Branch, now the National Center of Photography and Images, will continue under the management of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, who will take responsibility for its future maintenance and operation.
October 23

The third set of books from the Photographers of Taiwan series, featuring photographers An-ming LIU, Huei-guang HO, Ting-hua WONG, Chi-ying HUANG, Jen-shiu HSU, and Ying-sheng QUO, is launched at a press conference held at the little White house of the National Taiwan Museum at Nanmen Park.
October 23

“The Care and Scientific Fundamentals of Analog Transparent Images” photograph conservation seminar is held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
October 24 to October 25

“The Care and Scientific Fundamentals of Analog Transparent Images” photograph conservation seminar continues at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
November 11

Interior design and fitting work begin at the National Center of Photography and Images.
August 22

The National Center of Photography and Images holds its inaugural volunteer recruitment interviews, followed by training activities including lectures, training, and internships.