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Tracing Imperial Footprints: Taiwan's Popular Destinations

Tracing Imperial Footprints Taiwan's Popular Destinations

After the Meiji Restoration, the imperial family became the highest ruling authority in Japan. Visits and inspections conducted by members of the imperial family in colonial Taiwan played a significant role in strengthening the imperial power and the colonial regime. Consequently, these imperial destinations became popular tourist spots for Japanese visitors to Taiwan. Through widespread dissemination of photos and consistent tourist activity, these locations evolved into iconic tourist destinations and emblematic landscapes of Taiwan. During the “Summer College,” participants followed the footsteps of imperial family members to either reminisce about the deeds of the deceased or personally visit places associated with the esteemed imperial family. Thus, places related to Prince Kitashirakawa Yoshihisa, Prince Regent Hirohito, as well as Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu were also selected as destinations that could not be missed.