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Object Book Series #6: Taipei Main Station

Object Book Series #6: Taipei Main Station

Object Book Series #6: Taipei Main Station consists of objects, images of the objects, and projections of the objects. We call the existence in time of everything under sunlight an “object”; we call an object’s up-and-down or left-and-right reversed reflection constituted by illumination an “image of the object.” And when an object is made into meaningful work with optical methods, we call it a “projection of the object.” Object Book Series #6: Taipei Main Station is the presence of the object, its images and its projections. The three forms of its existence visible to our eyes also suggest a new sense of sunlight that livens up all beings, as well as the westernized world because of the western theories of optics.

Courtesy of the artist

Photo by CHIU Te-Hsin


Camera obscura, opaque projector


40 x 38 x 34 cm、32 x 20 x 23cm






KAO Chung-Li