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Chin’s late works became diversified with non-restricted framing. With solid photographic skills, he used his camera as a brush to present rich artistic aesthetics, bringing the viewer into the integrated realm of paintings and photographs. His works were both abstract and realistic, with an emphasis on sincerity. The unpretentious presentation profoundly conveys the artist’s inner state of mind. His humorous and open-minded attitude towards life expands the viewer’s vision. 

If one observes Chin closely, one would find that he had great perseverance. At an old age, he could shoot from morning to night. In order to capture the wonderful fleeting moments, he often had to observe and wait for a long time. His amazing mental and physical strength are similar to young people’s.

Untitled was shot in Yehliu. He considered that Taiwan has many special landscapes and abstract expressions will leave room for the viewer to imagine. The special texture of Yehliu’s geology allows one to interpret the place with abstraction. He said that photography is not simply documentary or records of landscape. Some people are chasing aesthetic and romantic techniques, but some subtle textures will leave people with more aesthetic associations. He said that this work resembles a human ear with not much meaning in it. Yehliu’s rich geological landscape allows artistic exploration to be created from every angle, depending on how the artist interprets it. 

Yang Yong-zhi, “2021 Compilation and Research Project of Metadata in Photography”.

Quotation by Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Media sources related to the “old gamin of photography,” Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Materials related to Chin’s works dictated and provided by students of Dennis K. Chin, Ching Hsieh and Angel Yang.



Inkjet print


44.2×28 cm




Dennis K. Chin