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Morning Mist

Morning Mist

Innovation is Chin’s core practice of photography. His most precious characteristic is his mentality as an "old gamin.” He always maintained this curiosity and childlike mentality in his life and creation. He said that painting is addition. The color is drawn stroke by stroke on the blank canvas, as rich layers are stacked. Yet, photography is subtraction. In the complex field of view, one should observe with his heart, get rid of the chaotic and the trivial, and focus on the theme instead of being too greedy.

When he travels to every country for picture making, he paid special attention to the changes in the sky and clouds in the mountains. He believed that nature is ever-changing. If he could stop and take in the surroundings, he can shoot many works just by looking up.

Morning Mist was shot while he drove on a winding mountain road in the US. At that time, although he was shooting scenic tours and producing video recordings for the US government, he wanted to bring the technique of traditional Chinese landscape paintings into the Western expression of clouds and mists. Thus he created many American scenic works with a touch of Chinese landscape.

Yang Yong-zhi, “2021 Compilation and Research Project of Metadata in Photography”.

Quotation by Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.


Inkjet print


29×44 cm




Dennis K. Chin