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Sky over the Field

Sky over the Field

In his early years, Chin often had to race against time as a photojournalist, and sometimes encountered shooting in difficult environments. The training has given him rich experiences in framing, as well as sensitivity to different environments and instant judgment. During his career as a journalist, he left many precious historic images for the war and chaos of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and witnessed the changes of the times. 

Chin, who lived in Dallas for a long time, also photographed many American cultural and natural landscapes. The perceptual photographs of Montana portray the three main themes and cultural features of the "natural landscape and ecology of the Yellowstone National Park," "gathering of Indian people," and the “US cowboys of the time” in a relaxed but profound style.

Sky over the Field was shot in a pasture in Montana, USA. The sky is getting late, and layers of massive clouds are floating. The sunset shines through the clouds and is reflected on the surface of the small pond. The cattle on the prairie does not bury their heads to eat. The grass seems to stand still as time seems to freeze temporarily. When Chin picked up the camera to shoot the moment, he experienced an Apocalyptic moment.

Yang Yong-zhi, “2021 Compilation and Research Project of Metadata in Photography”.

Quotation by Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Media sources related to the “old gamin of photography,” Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Materials related to Chin’s works dictated and provided by students of Dennis K. Chin, Ching Hsieh and Angel Yang.



Inkjet print


29×44 cm




Dennis K. Chin