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Profusion of Colors

Profusion of Colors

From Chin’s works, one can see the profound concept of composition and his philosophy of photography. His works inspire those who want to learn photography, urging to cultivate their sensitivity of observation and retain curiosity in order to discover the extraordinary from the ordinary. He said that no matter what the subject is, one should at least shoot it 3 to 4 times, to reach a mastery of at least 80 to 90 percent, and always treat the subject with an equal and respectful attitude. 

Profusion of Colors was shot in Las Vegas, USA. He walked into a tourist store and saw that there were many stylish and textured glass products on the shelves, but he didn't take photos of them. Instead, he noticed the unremarkable corner of a pile of items on sale. These defective items were densely packed together while their colors stunned him. He used the lens to shoot the colorful items at a close-up angle. He said that life is full of scenery. Keep a keen observation, and one can find some surprises in some trivial corners.

Yang Yong-zhi, “2021 Compilation and Research Project of Metadata in Photography”.

Quotation by Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Media sources related to the “old gamin of photography,” Dennis K. Chin, compiled by Angel Yang.

Materials related to Chin’s works dictated and provided by students of Dennis K. Chin, Ching Hsieh and Angel Yang.



Inkjet print


33×44 cm




Dennis K. Chin